Oh, do we have some amazing recipes to share with you! We're absolutely loving the Mediterranean Tuna Salad from Budget Byte$ and the So Good Spinach Egg Muffins from Yummy Toddler Foods! These recipes are a hit with us and our family, and we just can't wait for you to try them too!
The Mediterranean tuna salad has that combo of lean protein, fiber, veggies, and healthy fats, and you don't even need to cook anything. I kept it in the fridge for 4 days, and it was just what I needed with the weather warming up. I decided to toss it on some baby spinach we had leftover from the egg muffins, and it was a great combo for extra volume and nutrients! It's perfect for a light lunch or a hearty snack, but I felt like I needed to add something extra to make it a full meal. If you feel the same way, adding some hummus and pita would be a great choice to make it a little more filling.
I whipped up these egg muffins for my daughter's lunch, but turns out I've been eating on them for breakfast and throughout the day for snacks. We added some cherries (got them on sale - yay! - and they're so tasty) and whole grain crackers. You can pretty much add any fruit or whole grain to make a satisfying meal with them.
If you struggle figuring out what to make for yourself or your family while trying to meet your health goals, working with one of our dietitians may be just the help you're looking for!
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🌐 In network: Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, Medicare, UHC
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