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Reunited, and it feels so good!

Megan Bishop

2023 was a BIG year for us!  Megan became a mom and took some time away from seeing clients to make that transition.  We also welcomed an amazing dietitian, Kris Mock, who brought her incredible passion and talent for helping people achieve their health and nutrition goals in the “real world.” 

Both Megan and Kris will be available to support your nutrition needs starting January 2024!  We are so excited to be back together in this capacity, and are looking forward to continued growth for ourselves as dietitians and our practice.  

Our mission is to make nutrition accessible - both financially and in your daily lives.  We’re here to guide you through the small, achievable changes that will lead to big results over time.  

Stay tuned to learn more about: 

  • Us and our dietitians

  • Services we offer

  • How we may be able to help you achieve your health goals through nutrition 

  • Recipes we love

  • Food and nutrition content

Let us know of any topics you’re interested in us covering in the comments!


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