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Inside Look: What to Expect Working with our Dietitians

Megan Bishop

Most of our clients have never worked with a dietitian prior to seeing us and can feel really unsure about what to expect. We thought we'd give an inside look as to what it's like working with one of our dietitians.

What it is not:

  • telling you what you can and cannot eat

  • giving you a strict meal plan you have to follow (unless it is necessary because of a procedure or food allergy)

  • judging your current food choices and telling you all the things you "should" be doing

The initial appointment is where we really get to know each other. We’ll go through a lot of questions to make sure that the plan we develop makes sense for you. We’ll talk about your health status, eating habits and nutrition concerns. From that information, we’ll mutually determine the best place to start with making nutrition changes and what resources you need to do that. This appointment usually takes 60-90 minutes.

During follow up appointments we’ll talk about what is going well, review any areas you are struggling with and address any questions you have. Depending on how you are progressing, we’ll be troubleshooting challenges, digging up more resources to keep you going, or encouraging you to push forward to meet that next goal! These appointments last anywhere from 30-60 minutes depending on how much you would like to work on in our session.

How often you meet with us is individualized based on several factors.

  • How often you are able and/or willing to make it to appointments.

  • How many visits/how many hours your insurance covers.

  • Ideally, we start out every 1-2 weeks, then space out visits as you progress. That is the interval that shows best outcomes for intensive lifestyle therapy.

  • We will offer advice on how often to follow up based on best outcomes and coverage, but everyone has different needs, and it is ultimately your choice!

You may be noticing a theme here. . . all of this is based on YOU! What YOU want to work on and are willing/able to do. We are your nutrition guides and can help examine barriers, challenges and suggest solutions. However, you are the expert on yourself, your life and what will/won't work in it. We guide you in figuring out HOW to make the changes you want to work on related to your nutrition work in your life. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please contact us with the info below!

🔗 Link in bio for website and online scheduling

📱 Call or Text: 615-707-9698

***We offer in-office & telehealth visits***



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